Yoga Mudra Asana or yoga mudra pose is one of the finest anti-aging poses that you can practice in order to feel and stay young for a long time. Also known as Psychic Union Pose, it is one of the poses that help in awakening Kundalini energy or Inner Self. Apart from truly enhancing physical and mental energy, it can also help in promoting greater self-awareness and positive health.
If you are wondering how to do psychic union pose, you should follow the instructions listed below. Following are the steps for practicing Yoga Mudra Asana.
Firstly, sit in Padmasana pose on the floor. If you are not aware of the methods of performing Padmasana, start practicing Padmasana beforehand.
Under any circumstances, do not overstrain your back, knees, thighs or ankles by forcing your body in this posture
The following are the preparatory poses that are to be performed before Yoga Mudra Asana.
Here are the follow up poses associated with yoga mudra asana.
Yoga Mudra Asana is a very relaxing posture that can be performed after sitting for extended periods in padmasana or siddhasana. Always make sure to maintain your spine upright as you practice this pose. Concentrate on your eye center as you try to balance or equalize the emphasis on left/right sides of your body. You can also place your hands on your knees in Jnana mudra to enhance the positive results of this asana.
If you are a beginner, you can sit having your back placed against a wall to have back support. You may also use a yoga block to help yourself in maintaining the right posture while doing the asana. The asana can provide you with complete mental peace any time you feel anxious, frustrated and tense. It is important for you to remember that the pose may take some time to be perfect. There are also a number of props and tools that you can use in order to help yourself while performing this asana. In any case, you should have a professional yoga instructor with you when you are looking to do the Yoga Mudra Asana.
Do not rush into this pose while performing it. Instead, take things slow and make sure that you attain the right kind of mental focus as you perform this asana. When done properly, it can not only bring great inner peace but also enhance the flexibility of the hips and back.
Yoga Mudra Asana offers great spiritual awareness to anyone by focusing on Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura chakra. This can help in effectively distributing positive and vibrant energy throughout the body. It helps to boost the sense of personal power in the practitioner. Practicing Yoga Mudra Asana can help us to effectively deal different types of difficult emotions and also enable us to stand up for what we believe in without getting overly aggressive or sensitive. Balancing this chakra can lead to a healthy life. With the balancing of the Manipura chakra, the higher chakras also become awakened. The energy released from lower chakras then reaches the seventh chakra, thus leading to full enlightenment. Psychic awareness while practicing psychic union pose is greatly increased.
Here are the main benefits of Yoga Mudra Asana.
The lifting and movement of the chest during Yoga Mudra Asana helps to expand intercostal area thus allowing the practitioner to develop healthier breathing patterns. These healthier breathing patterns can help to get rid of many diseases like asthma.
Practicing Yoga Mudra Asana regularly can help to increase mental concentration and elevate overall balance of the body.
These are the precautions and contraindications related to the practice of Yoga Mudra Asana.
Learning about Yoga Mudra Asana or Yoga Mudra procedure can equip you with the knowledge and understanding that you need to do this asana properly. So start practicing this asana today to improve the balance of your mind and body.